Datang kepadaku???
Step By Step..
Go Forward..
hatiku berdebar...
sape kah gerangan yang datang kepadaku???
boys @ gurlz..
suddenly i go far away.......................................................... to meet somebody??
used dis little white shoes..
before that practice to give wonderfull kiss...
after that..
choose a suitable clothes/ skirts or anything to meet (*@$%^&)????
confirm bukan yang ini ...Kecik non???
ok masa semakin hampir...
dup dap dup dap
dah dapat jumpe..
serius puas ati :)
ini lah die My love after him
so dont be angry..
sESAJE jek acah2...x jumpe sape2 pun
jumpe abg teddy je semalam masa shopping kt Jusco
x emboh curang2 deh ngan my chenta hati..